This workshop is for people professionally working with sound therapy, as well as those not professionally involved, but interested in relaxation through sound.
For many years of our work with gongs, in our meditations, gong baths, during our seminars and concerts – gongs reveal their magical powers. One of main advantages of the gongs, is their ability to quickly introduce state of tranquility in the listeners. Only few minutes of skilful play is sufficient for the audience to already achieve the state of deep relaxation. The automatic processes of self regeneration acting on the physical, mental and emotional levels are activated in such a state. Gong among known instruments creates the strongest vibrations and resonating sounds. When it vibrates, you can feel it in every cell of your body. In the hands of a therapist or pedagogue it becomes the tool supporting healing processes.
This training, “Gong in Relaxation – Introduction” helps to acquire practical skills in gong play, initially using your own voice and hands, eventually applying various accessories – such as mallets and rubbers. You will find out how particular techniques affect the physical and emotional body as well as bioenergy field and you will learn practical use of those properties.
During this workshop, we open the space for your own experience, ritual awareness, practical exercises, and sharing with other participants. Mostly we will work with Tam Tam and Fen gongs of 80 cm diameter, but also with smaller gongs, used in therapy.
“Gong in Relaxation – Introduction”
Prerequisite: Body – Sound Basic
Duration: 8 hours, 1 day workshop
This is a workshop where we get to know gong as an instrument, it’s quality, benefits and genre. We learn to extract sounds in relaxing play, but also listening to the gong, which is essential in work with gong on the following levels. In this workshop, the participants gain knowledge and skills necessary to work with gong in professional relaxation sessions using this ancient instrument.
What to expect:
- The origin of gongs, their formation and varied use over the centuries
- The scope of impact the sound of a gong has on the human body and opportunities to improve psychological and physical well-being
- Familiarising with the sound of a gong – introducing possibilities of tonal diversity and ways of extracting sound using various tools
- Tasks relating to the creation of sound bands during a session of relaxation and meditation
- Individual work with gong
- Working with the gong in pairs and groups
- Other instruments and their use during the gong session in context of relaxation or meditation
- Creation and execution of a relaxation session
For more in depth education, especially if you intend to use the gong in therapy, follow this course with Gong in Therapy workshop.
Lecturers: Alex Andrzejewski and Janusz Urzykowski
Course fees: A$250.00
Course dates: to be advised